Friday 4 October 2013

Homemade Refried Black Beans (Slow Cooker Prep)

I love refried beans...especially black.  I hate cooking dried beans the old fashioned way in a pot.  Enter slow cooker.  Now I make these all the time and freeze them for lunch and dinner.  My whole family loves them.  My husband (who is a self proclaimed refried bean hater) repeatedly steals bites from my bowl and spreads a heavy layer on his burritos.  Turns out, he hates canned refried beans.  These are clearly NOT canned beans!

Find the prep for cooking dried black beans in the slow cooker HERE. I add some time to the cooking when I am only using them for refried beans because I find a slightly overcooked bean lends itself to being blended easier.  I do 5 hrs on high or 8 hrs of low (often overnight). 

Blend your beans with cooking liquid (doesn't matter how much, it will be cooked out) and put in pan on medium-medium/high heat.  Add salt, chili powder and whatever else you think you'd like your beans to taste like.  You can taste and adjust along the way.  Cook down till you get the consistency you like. 

You know what else I love about these beans? The "fried" part isn't real.  There's no fat!

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