Friday 28 February 2014

Parmesan and Pea Risotto

I have been wanting for a while to add risotto to my cooking arsenal.  I spent a lot of time watching TV chefs make it, I was on youtube for a long time studying it, I went to a nice Italian restaurant, ordered the risotto and then studied that as well.  In the last month I've made it 3 times and I feel confident enough to post a recipe now. 

-Arborio or Carnaroli rice needs to be used.  You need a short grain, high starch rice.  Arborio is the easiest to come by.  I found Carnaroli in a small Italian market in Victoria and can attest that it is the better variety.  It creates a creamier product.
-You have to make this right before you are going to eat.  It takes 30 minutes once all your prep is done.  You have to eat risotto as soon as its done.  So take that into account.
-Your prep has to be all done before you start.  Your broth HAS to be hot.
-You need a wide pan with higher sides so that your rice has room to develop all that lovely starch.
-You have to commit.  You can't be doing too much else while you're making risotto.  Be prepared to stand there the whole half hour, stirring most of the time.


1 tbsp oil
1 finely chopped shallot (or 1/3 of a large onion)
1-2 minced cloves of garlic
1 cup Arborio or Carnaroli rice
1/4 cup white wine (or 1 fresh lemon+water to make 1/4 cup)
4 cups chicken broth (homemade is best- if you're going to use a box broth, use 1 cup broth to 3 cups water otherwise it will taste too artificial)
1/2 cup frozen peas
2-4 tbsp chopped parsley
1/2 cup parmesan, freshly grated


Get your broth heated and keep it on low with a ladle beside your risotto pan.  Heat your pan over medium heat.  Add oil and shallot.  Cook for a couple minutes (lower heat if shallots start to darken, you want translucent not dark) then add your garlic.  After a minute add your rice and toast until the grains look white and opaque.

Pour in white wine and start stirring.  As soon as that's absorbed add in your first ladle-full of hot broth.  Keep stirring.  The risotto method is to add hot stock to the rice and stir till almost completely absorbed then repeat.  You will see the starch start to develop.  Keep adding more ladle-fulls of hot broth and stirring till it's absorbed.  At about the 16 minute mark, start tasting the rice to make sure it doesn't go over.  You want your grains to still be al dente.  When you get to the last 1/3 of your broth, add it in smaller batches so not to overcook your rice.  If you get to the end of your broth and you don't think your rice is done, add some hot water. 

Once your grains are al dente, add in the parmesan, parsley and peas.  Taste and add salt/pepper to taste.  Serve immediately.  Now you know how to make a basic risotto.  The possibilities are now endless.  No more paying $20 for a bowl of this stuff!

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