Saturday 15 March 2014

Fish Tacos

After a week of spring cleaning, I was completely lazy on Friday and did next to nothing.  I felt like putting the girls to bed, having a nice in-home date night with my husband: ordering some food, watching our show we missed the night before.  Just relaxing.  But then I started looking at the different menus.  And the more I learn to cook, the less happy I am with take out food.  I was looking at Cactus Club, Earls, those kinds of places.  But as I added the prices in my head and anticipated the disappointing food...I changed my mind.  I decided to pick a recipe that was over a normal nightly dinner budget but still well under a take out amount.  One of my husband's favourite treats is fish tacos.  So that's what we did.  Unfortunately, the fish market was closed that day because it was moving.  And Thriftys only had Halibut fresh, everything else was frozen or previously frozen.  I was looking for Tilapia or cod- something cheaper than Halibut since it was going in a taco.  So here is a simple, lovely recipe for some fish tacos.  But I suggest using something cheaper than Halibut since it's being topped with salsa anyways.


1 lb white fish
cajun seasoning (the recipe for my favourite is found HERE)
small tortillas (6-8, depending on how much fish you put in each one)
shredded cabbage
Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo
5 roma tomatoes, diced
1/4 cup finely diced red onion
handful of cilantro, chopped
half a jalapeno, finely diced (optional)
1 lime, juiced

1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream (Greek yogurt is delicious as a substitute if you’re not a fan of sour cream)
1/2 cup reduced fat mayonnaise
1-2 limes, cut in half
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon ground chipotle chili powder
1 hot pepper of your choice, seeded and minced (jalapeno is what I used).
1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, chopped


Whisk sauce ingredients together; put in fridge for at least an hour.

Combine your pico de gallo ingredients.  Add salt and lime juice to taste.  Set aside till ready to assemble tacos.

Pat your fish dry, and make sure the skin is removed.  I cut mine into fillet strips- you could also cook your fish whole and then cut it.  I dusted mine with cajun seasoning- you could choose whatever you like.  Dip your fillets in melted butter and then place in a hot pan, over medium heat.  Let them cook for a 3-5 minutes per side depending on thickness.  Cut one in half to observe the doneness if you're unsure.  It should be moist and completely opaque white.  Taste it even, you'll know if it's done.  Don't over cook your fish.

Assemble tacos: take a tortilla, add fish, cabbage, sauce and salsa (pico de gallo).  Enjoy!
I served along side some lime cilantro rice, recipe found HERE.  I haven't uploaded it to my blog yet because I keep forgetting to take a picture.  It is delicious though!

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