Friday 30 March 2012

Homemade Oreos

Today is my husband's birthday.  A few months ago I saw a recipe for homemade football oreos on Pinterest and I made a mental note to remember to make them for his birthday.  He LOVES football-almost more than anything.  When I attempted to make them I quickly got frustrated with forming them into the right shape that would still look like a football after they expanded in the oven.  So I made a couple footballs and then the rest just like oreos- except they're quite big.  Even if you make the dough balls suuuper small, these oreos end up much bigger once cooked.  So keep that in mind. 


-1 package devil food cake mix
-2 eggs
-1/2 c butter (softened)

-1/2 c butter (softened)
-1 stick of cream cheese (softened)
-2 c powdered sugar
-1 tbsp vanilla


Heat oven to 350.  Mix devils food cake, eggs and butter together.  Roll dough into a SMALL ball and push flat on pan.  Bake for 8 minutes.  Let cool completely then transfer to plate or rack. 

Mix up icing.  I used a piping bag (if you don't have one, make one by pouring icing into the corner of a sandwich bag, cut off the tip and twist and use like a piping bag) to pipe the icing onto a cookie.  The cookies are a little soft and I was worried about the cookie breaking if I smeared the icing on with a knife.  Place another cookie on top of the iced cooked to make an "oreo". 

see my pathetic attempt at a football? unfortunately, this was the best looking football of the batch

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