Tuesday 24 January 2012

In Case I Die

I cook pretty much every night and generally the dinners are from scratch.  I enjoy cooking and having quite a few go to recipes but they are not all in one place and it gets annoying trying to remember where each recipe is (in recipe box, on computer, on scrap paper, etc).  So I'd like to have a place where all my favourite recipes can be and also for anyone else to benefit from them.  Also, I'd like to have them recorded properly for Cole in case I die (I know, weird right?).  But Cole and I were talking about if (heaven forbid) I died much earlier than expected, he would lose all his favourite meals and be left to cook for the family.  So I thought I should have a record of our family's favourite meals in case I die and Cole has to figure out how to make the food he's become accustomed to.  Some of these recipes are mine, some are from friends, from TV, from Pinterest, from other internet sites, some are my versions of other people's recipes.  My goal is to post one recipe a day that we use all the time so that eventually all my recipes are in one place. 

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